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A Men’s Health Equity Plan for Better Resource Allocation, Care Integration and Coordination

Meeting Purpose: 

  1. Establish a transformational collaboration to strengthen investment in BEP certified and business-ready entities serving Medicaid-eligible and under-resourced populations.

  2. Present sustainable, coordinated care delivery, technology, and workforce solutions focused on addressing high rates of death and disability amongst Black men and boys in Illinois. 

  3. Focus on solutions by presenting self-determined "shovel-ready" business cases to address violence, restorative justice, primary care, and community-based mental health. Experts will review criminal justice spending and its impact on families, Medicaid, the effects of Covid-19, and the importance of culturally accessible and competent care provision.

  4. Highlight gains in healthcare in general and specific gaps in culturally responsive mental health, discriminating access to primary care, lack of workforce development, and limited business opportunities.

Background: A record number of thirty-one million Americans have health coverage through the Affordable Care Act (ACA) . Millions of previously uninsured and low-income men were extended healthcare coverage for the first time in US

history. While there have been essential gains in ACA's Basic Health Program and Medicaid, a $500+Billion annual program, significant gaps in access to care and opportunities for employment, entrepreneurship, and innovation remain. Black men and boys age into death and disability quicker and at higher costs to health systems and community services than any other population group. Yet there have been few opportunities for this population to define, lead and own sustainable solutions for themselves. 

 Who should attend: The Business Enterprise Program Act for Minorities, Females and Persons with Disabilities (BEP) -certified businesses capable of providing services to Medicaid-eligible and under-resourced populations. Organizations interested in becoming BEP certified or learning more about the procurement process with the State of Illinois (including reciprocity with other government entities). Community leaders focused on solutions to close health equity gaps among Black men and boys. 

Upon the conference's conclusion, a PDF-ready report with attendees, business cases, recommendations, and Executive Summary will be publicly available.